ACME Site Visitors
ACME Site Visitors are a 2-person team of volunteer peer reviewers who review reports and documents, conduct tours, conduct interviews, and perform observations as a part of the ACME accreditation process. They play a central role in ensuring midwifery education students are learning the skills necessary and are gaining the experience required to become certified nurse-midwives and certified midwives.
ACME Site Visitors:
Work together with colleagues to visit midwifery education programs that are seeking preaccreditation, initial accreditation, or continued accreditation.
Verify and validate information provided in the program’s Self-Evaluation Report or Preaccreditation Report (SER/PAR).
Clarify, as needed, information provided in the program’s SER/PAR.
Amplify information, meaning they work to obtain additional information about the program’s quality that is not specifically addressed and or provided in the SER/PAR and or Exhibits.
Make huge difference in the midwifery community.